Lockheed Martin’s
“Space Day”

Lockheed Martin inaugurated Space Day as a complement to Earth Day, to stimulate public conversation — and pressure Congress to boost funding.

But instead of targeting Washington, as government suppliers normally do, we worked with the Challenger Center to capture people's imaginations and get entire communities talking nationwide. 

In addition to the usual online, print, and out-of-home campaign elements, we created an entire STEM program for elementary & middle schools. Students across the U.S. collaborated online to solve "Design Challenges" such as How can astronauts exercise in microgravity? And How can we recycle water in space? (Yes, ewww.) And we enrolled real NASA astronauts and world-renowned JPL scientists & engineers to lead live chats and webcasts throughout the "coopertition".

Agency: DDB
What I did: Concept, Copywriting


// Outdoor

Lockheed Arrow.png

// Indoor

This six-foot wide poster hung in tens of thousands of schools throughout the USA. It was a constant presence for literally millions of students, across all 50 states, for potentially years at a time. I’m still gobsmacked by that.

Lockheed Astronaut.jpg

// The “Design Challenges”. (Click each to read.)




