//  SpikeDDB

As Spike Lee's first copywriter, I wrote a ton of scripts. But this agency self-promo topped them all. 



//  Space Day

Lockheed Martin inaugurated Space Day as a complement to Earth Day, to stimulate public conversation — and pressure Congress to boost funding. But instead of targeting Washington, as government suppliers normally do, we worked with the Challenger Center to capture people's imaginations and get entire communities talking nationwide.

In addition to the out-of-home, print, and online ad campaign, we created an entire STEM program for elementary & middle schools. Students across the U.S. collaborated online to solve "Design Challenges" such as How can astronauts exercise in microgravity? And How can we recycle water in space? (Yes, ewww.) And we enrolled real NASA astronauts and world-renowned JPL scientists & engineers to lead live chats and webcasts throughout the "coopertition".

Lockheed Arrow 1000x750.png

Ads come and go, usually in seconds. But the following six-foot wide poster hung in tens of thousands of schools throughout the USA, and was a constant presence for millions of students, for potentially years at a time. I’m still gobsmacked by that.

Lockheed Astronaut.jpg

Check out those Design Challenges here.



//  Blackberry

At Razorfish I was one of the lead writers who won the $10 Million Blackberry pitch. In an integrated campaign all about the brand’s prime target — "XPros" (extremely productive and driven executives) and XPro-wannabes — I created dozens of messages for digital, pre-roll, mobile, social, and OOH, as well as content for everything from the brand’s dot-com to in-person events at the NYTimes Dealbook Conference.


NOTE: Key concept frames shown, to avoid overwhelming you with multitudes of moving digital ephemera.

BB-08- when tough calls.png
BB-14-inbox loudly master rule-long.jpg


//  Alfa Romeo

My Dad sold auto parts. But while he loved cars, he was much too frugal (cheap) to ever buy an Alfa Romeo. 
So given no real strategy, I went to Alfa Owners' Clubs looking for rational reasons to justify such an irrational purchase. 



//  Avondale Pet Hospital

This won a bunch of gold. Which was great, until my mom showed all her friends. 



//  Cartoon Network

love what I do.

Cartoon Network 570x1001.png

One Leg Tied Behind My Back

